Cultivating an Awakened Heart
January 19-22, 2023
A Retreat with Halima & Abraham Sussman,
Special Guest Maitreya Jon Stevens, and friends
♡ Dances of Universal Peace ♡ Spiritual Walk ♡
Sufi Practice ♡ Breath ♡ Meditation ♡ Sacred Sound
The Walks and Dances of Universal Peace offer us opportunity for personal and planetary transformation. Singing and moving together Towards the One, we practice breath, rhythm, sound, listening, and heart awakening. Dancing our prayers, we celebrate the Sacred.
Location: The Montgomery Presbyterian Center, 88 SE 75th St., Starke, FL 32091. The closest Int. airport is Jacksonville, Florida.
The retreat begins with dinner Thursday at 6pm and concludes with Sunday lunch.
Retreat questions? Email Jemila at jemila11@jfelisko.com
Staying Healthy and Taking Care of Each Other: Please arrive health and leave healthy and well. With this in mind we ask everyone attending to be pro-active and take a Covid Test 4 or 5 days before the retreat and again the day the retreat begins. Both test results need to be negative in order to attend. As well, we ask folks to be thoughtful and avoid high risk exposure activities as much as possible in the days preceding the retreat.
May the Love, Harmony, and Beauty We Live, Be What We Give